1997 Page Additions |
March 25th - Dave Vetterick -- more news on Roswell and Life on other Worlds, More on the Star Knowledge Conf.
Hello dear friends ... we have just finished a massive converting of our pages, so we apologize for not being able to add too much new information to our site till now. Our on the go UFO Reporter, Dave Vetterick has come up with a number of new stories related to proof of UFOs or Life on other worlds. Many are sensing we are coming into a time when finally the truth about UFOs and "ETs" will be shared.
Related to Roswell and the Autopsy Film, Dave has uncovered information about Philip Corso's new book to blow the lid about Roswell .... or what about an interview with the elusive Autopsy Cameraman? Ray Santilli has also released a Second Autopsy Film, find out if this one is better and more conclusive than the first. And lastly, Dave finds some new replies on questions about the Autopsy Film that Santilli gives on Compuserve last month.
In other news related to Life on other worlds in our solar system, Dave find information via Richard Hoagland that the Nasa Chief is going to investigating Mr. Hoagland's claims about Cydonia, where the Face of Mars is. Next, there is believed to be some type of connection between the Sphinx and Mars and that Nasa has discovered using some sophisticated rada equipment, some Secret Chambers under the Nile.
Can you believe it, but U.S. Vice President Al Gore was just briefed by leading scientist on life beyond the earth. The British have just discovered Life on another Martian Meteor. Scientist believe that Life also seems quite possible, maybe even better then Mars on two moons of Jupiter, Europa and Ganymede. Next Dave found out that the U.S. Pentagon has recently discovered ICE to exist on our Moon and will be sending a new Lunar Probe to find out conclusively if this is true. And finally, it is rumored that NASA will be shortly sending a Manned Mission to Mars. Dave has done a great job keeping us updated on some major events happening to show us we are not alone in the universe.
Lastly, we received permission from Brian Crissey of Wild Flower Press, to reprint their article from their newsletter "Contact Forum" which shares information about the Star Nation Symbols. Standing Elk (the initiator of the Star Knowledge Conferences) shared these sacred symbols he received from the Star People at the June, 1996 Star Knowledge Conference. Also included is another page on the Background and History of where these symbols came from. We also have added a number of photographs of some of the speakers at the conference, thanks to Standing Elk, who gave us these pictures as a gift. To see some of the speakers, either check out the Star Knowledge Home Page or Joshua's Report.
Many are feeling as we move farther into 1997 that something big is about to explode ... we will have to see ...
February 19th - Joshua's Live Report on Windsong, The Prophets Gathering (March 1997 in LA)
Dear Readers -- sorry for not adding more new pages but we have been busy reformating the existing pages so our site sections have more consistency. We are working on some new pages coming up ... and also we will be attending the Prophets Gathering in Los Angeles as speakers (March 7th-9th) and hope to interview some of the well known prophets to add some new pages. Please see our page linked above and then head over to Axiom's (the Sponsor) web site for a complete schedule. In addition, in early February, Joshua had a chance to visit with Windsong, a new crystal skull and the caretakers Floyd and Barbara Petri, so see his report.
January 29th - The Crystal Skull Chronicles Saga Begins ... More Updates
For those of you waiting for our online Saga, the Crystal Skull Chronicles to begin, the first part of Chapter 1 is now available ... we also have posted a Table of Contents for the entire book as well for easy navigation. Also we would like to acknowledge Sue Taylor and Jules Hopson, who will be adding their creative talents to tell our tale ...
Also we just updated our list of members for UFO NET Global and NA NET Global, our network of UFO and New Age Sites plus we continue to update and refine our pages on the site. The Roswell section is completely re-done and we hope to have the rest of our sections in place in the next few weeks. Also V J Enterprises is going to be featured on a New CD ROM created by SAdENESS software in the UK (contact Kristian Phillips) is you have an interest to find out more about this CD, which will focus on UFO and Paranormal Web Sites in the world. Look Out!!!
January 20th - Hale Bopp, the Windsong Crystal Skull, New Page Formats: Home Page & Roswell
We hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and we here at V J promise to continue to add more new information about the forthcoming Golden Age and events leading up to this. Sorry to not post to this section earlier but our front end (our Home Page and accessory pages) has been going through a major update via the brilliance of Graphic Expert, Don Bright, who's handy work you will see all over. So we invite you to take a peak at our new V J Home Page and other sub-pages as well as the new Roswell Home Page.
Leading off our new sections includes the Haley Bopp Comet heading for a close visit to our Earth in the March/April 1997 timeframe. This is one hot topic that is very controversial ... is this comet or the companion behind it reportedly a spacecraft coming to visit us? Check it out (thanks to the hard efforts of Randy Krippner, our new V J Helper and Don Brights brilliant page design!!!). Also we have the report of a new crystal skull called Windsong in the possession of ex-Chief of Police, Floyd Petri ... while this may not be a very old crystal skull there is sure an interesting story that Floyd tells. Also Illinois Shapiro has joined forces with author and speaker, Scott Mandelker (author of the book, "From Elsewhere") and they are joining forces to offer some special workshop about UFOs, Wanderers and Crystal Skulls.
We also wish to announce during our trip to Brasil (Dec. 1996 - Jan. 1997), our dear friend Antonio in Sπo Paulo has agreed to create a sister Web Site known as Cosmica which will include some of our materials in Portuguese (for our Brasiliero friends) ... when this site is ready we will let you know!! We promise to continue our hard efforts to bring you the best information and reports of key events in 1997, a year that we feel will see many physical manifestations and proofs of the prophies of change. Peace & Light Everywhere,